Balavihar Registration

  • 03 Sep 2008
  • 13 Sep 2008
  • Temple


  • The participation will be in three age groups and will cost $200 per child or $300 per family for the entire year. The study material is included in the tuition fee. The parents are required to attend the session with their children and help conduct the program. It is deemed that parent commitment and involvement is crucial to the success of the program.

    © Hindu Temple of Central Illinois
    Street Address: 4224 W. Prairie Lane, Peoria, IL 61604
    Mailing Address: PO Box 3601, Peoria, IL 61612-3601
    Phone Number: (309) 671-5668
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The Temple features Balavihar classes for children. Effective with this school year, the Temple Program is being revamped and re launched. The program will run concurrently with the school year calendar starting with the weekend after Ganesha festival. An open house will be held on Sept 7 in the PM following Ganesha Rathotsava and visarjan. Program curriculum and structure will be discussed by Balavihar coaches for the benefit of enrolling children and their parents.


Early registration can be done on line: http://www.hinduheritage.org.wildapricot.org/Default.aspx?pageId=44002


The participation will be in three age groups and will cost $200 per child or $300 per family for the entire year. The study material is included in the tuition donation. The parents are required to attend the session with their children and help conduct the program. It is deemed that parent commitment and involvement is crucial to the success of the program.  


Initially, the Balavihar sessions will be scheduled on Sundays at noon to fit the schedule of most parents and children. There could be additional sessions scheduled at different times if the enrollment were to exceed expectations. Following the Balavihar session, a special aarati will be conducted for the benefit of children and parents in the Temple Sanctum.       


© Hindu Temple of Central Illinois
Street Address: 4224 W. Prairie Lane, Peoria, IL 61604
Mailing Address: PO Box 3601, Peoria, IL 61612-3601
Phone Number: (309) 671-5668

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software