Bhagavad Gita Group Study .pdf
2017-2018 Iswara
2017_09_10_Homework_001_Isvara Group.docx
2017_09_10_Homework_002_Isvara Group.docx
2017_09_17_Homework_003_Isvara Group.docx
2017_10_29_Homework_004_Isvara Group.docx
2017_11_05_Homework_005_Isvara Group.docx
2017_11_12_Homework_006_Isvara Group.docx
2017_11_12_Homework_007_Isvara Group[2].docx
2017_11_19_Homework_008_Isvara Group[1].docx
Here is a short summary of our activities for the Ivsara class in the 2017-2018 Devagokulam year.
We had a great year!
This year we used the textbook "Values" from the Purna Vidya Curriculum and Chapter 13 of the Gita (20 values) to understand how we can live a life in conformity with the universal values. We learned that there are universal values and personal values and that conflict in one's mind arises when the individual or personal value is given a greater emphasis than the universal value. We learned that one must have a value for a value; otherwise the value simply remains a theoretical concept. The three core values emphasized during the Devagokulam year are: Ahimsa, Satyam, and Brahmacarya, which we remembered as "ABS" for our core values. When we understand why it is important to practice ahimsa or why it is important to tell the truth, the value is assimilated into our everyday life.
We learned to chant the Vaidika Dasha Shanti mantras and the students became very comfortable with pronouncing the verses in the proper meter and the proper svara, matra, and balam. We hope that the students continue to chant and practice during the summer. Along the way, we discussed the meaning of the Sanskrit terms and a little about the Vedas as well.
With each festival celebrated at the temple, we spent some time in class on learning the customs and traditions in Hindu culture associated with these festivals. Whenever possible, we squeezed in a little meditation practice at the end of class. This should become a regular practice for all chidlren and adults, even a few minutes a day will be most beneficial.
It is critical that parents become engaged with the student's learning because they spend more time with the children than we do at Devagokulam. So, what is learned in Devagokulam can be assimilated thoroughly by the children (the whole family as well) through Q&A and discussions over lunch, dinner and other family time events. We used periodic homework assignments to achieve this goal and keep us all engaged in the subject matter (Dharma) throughout the school year. We learned a little Sanskrit along the way, although a more intensive study is needed to really understand the fundamentals of the language. We had a special program in April - an interactive class with Swami Advayatmanandaji on applying Hindu Dharma in our lives, using the temple's online video conference capability.
We concluded the school year with two special 16-step pujas. Sri Sreehari Bhattacharyaji taught the students how to perform the 16-step puja, and the students conducted a puja for Lord Ganesha. The following week, we did a special Mother's Day puja for Devi, using the knowledge given by Sri Sreehari ji. The students and I performed the 16-step puja with Lalita Astottaram as the central piece. In the process, the students learned how to make sandalwood paste from scratch and many were surprised that it was so fragrant, especially when they prepared it themselves!
Om! Purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudacchyate purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavasishyate. Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!
Deva Gokulam Sanctum Bhajans 2.pdf
Pratah Smarana and Santi Mantras.pdf
Sanatana Dharma Lesson 7 and 8.pdf
Sanatana Dharma Lesson 13 _ 14.pdf
Sanatana Dharma Lesson 15 _ 16.pdf
Iswara and Religious Disicpline Lesson 1.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 2.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 3.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 4.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 5.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 6.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 7.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 8-9-10.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 11.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 12.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 13.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 14.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 15.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 16.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 17.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 18.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 19.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 20.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 21.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 22.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 23.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 24.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 25.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 26.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 27.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 28.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 29.pdf
Isvara and Religious Discipline Lesson 30.pdf
Qualities of a Sthitha Prajna Gita Chapter 2.pdf